How to Make an Origami Gun
Children are sometimes so mysterious that they may prefer a wrapper boat or other homemade and nondescript thing to an expensive toy from a store. If your tomboy is fascinated by the process of creating a toy, this article will help you figure out how to make a gun out of paper. Moreover, the origami technique develops a creative approach and is available to both adults and children.
Simple paper gun
To follow the above scheme and make a gun using the origami method, prepare ordinary A4 sheets of paper in the amount of 2 pieces.
Step 1.
Take one sheet of paper and start folding it lengthwise: wrap about 1-1.5 cm, press, wrap again, press again, etc. Fold the second sheet in the same way, only it should be slightly narrower than the previous one (pay attention to the general diagram).
Step 2.
Two folded sheets in strips must be folded in half so that both ends are the same length.
Step 3.
We take that folded strip, which is a little wider, and make a not tightened knot or loop. The resulting figure needs to be planted on another strip of paper folded in half (the one that is already).
Step 4.
Tighten the corners well and press all the fold lines with your fingers.
Step 5.
For added realism, you can add a sight to such a weapon. Take a small piece of paper, fold it so that you get 4 equal parts and glue it to the barrel.
The paper gun is now ready to play.
Revolver and gun schemes
To create the proposed type of weapon, you do not need any securing materials, only 2 sheets of paper: one shorter, the other longer. They must both be rolled into a tube and bent in half.
Make a handle from the smaller tube as follows: step back from the center (where the fold is) 2-3 centimeters and bend both sides outward. At the closed end of a long tube, you need to make a small loop and insert the handle made from a smaller figure there. You will get a paper gun.
Prepare a piece of paper to work on a paper revolver. It needs to be divided in half. Fold one part to form a strip. It must also be folded in half and, stepping back from the fold line, bend down. This will be the handle (holder).
Then, from the second part of the sheet, roll up the strip and wrap it around the top of the previous shape. Make tubes from two small sheets of paper of different lengths and insert into the connectors of the finished part. The revolver is ready.
How to make a paper gun that shoots?
A paper pistol can even shoot bullets if made according to the following diagram:
Before starting work in front of you, you must have:
- A4 paper sheet;
- simple pencil;
- black handle;
- stationery scissors;
- an elastic band with which money is fixed.
In order for the conceived paper weapon to turn out correctly and work, adhere to the following steps in the manufacture:
Stage 1. Fold the A4 sheet in half and draw the outline of the pistol with a simple pencil.
Stage 2. Without unbending the sheet, we cut out the drawn weapon and lay it out. It turns out two sides of one pistol, connected at the top of the barrel.
Stage 3. Using a black handle, draw the contours, and also paint the pistol in accordance with the real image, drawing all the details.
Stage 4. To make a path for the bullet, press the top of the muzzle inward with your fingers. You should have a sharpened bottom trench. This will be where you will insert the bullets.
Stage 5. With scissors in the open part of the trunk, first, make a small incision in the middle, and insert an elastic band there. Then pull it in such a way that it, sliding off the upper tubercle of the trunk, pushes the bullet down the trench with force.
Stage 6. Tear the paper and crumple the bullet balls out of it and place them in the desired place on the gun.
Advice! Make sure the balls are neither small nor large. They should fit into a trench on the trunk and protrude slightly out of it. The elastic should easily grip the bullets and push them out at a certain distance.
Video instructions
Making paper guns is not difficult at all. There are several ways to get paper weapons quickly and with a minimum of materials.
Turning to video tutorials, you can easily cope with the task.
Trigger pistol that shoots:
Simple Shooting Paper Pistol:
Shotgun made of paper:
Such a pistol can shoot small balls and paper. With such a pistol, you can compete with your friends in accuracy and firing range. This pistol shoots from 6 to 13 meters in length, it all depends on how carefully you make it and how powerful the rubber band will be.
And so for him we need:
-paper (I pre-rolled them into tubes)
-ball or money rubber bands
-insulating tape
From the tools we need:
-thermo glue
And so first you need to make pipes (for me this is the longest process)
Starting from one of the corners of a sheet of paper, you need to twist such a tube, at first it may seem difficult, but then it will be easier
Now we need to make the tube bigger, for this we wind a sheet of paper on the first tube:
In total, we need 2 thin tubes and 3 thick sheets made of A4.
We measure 7 cm on a thick tube, and cut off 5 identical blanks
Then we glue, this will be the handle of our pistol:
We take a thick tube and measure 5 cm from the edge and glue it to the handle:
And then we glue on top another one smaller by about 7 cm:
Now let's start making the trigger, namely the "trigger"
We take a thin tube, push it into the upper tube of the handle, so that it crawls out 1-2 for the edge, mark the place of bend and bend the tube:
once again:
It should look something like this:
And we glue one more small detail:
Take another thin tube and bend it at the edge:
We fold the balloon twice (it is better to use money rubber bands) and glue it as shown in the photo, you also need to wrap the whole thing tightly with threads:
We insert a thin tube into the "barrel" of our paper gun and glue the ends of the balls at a distance of 5-10 cm from the end of the "barrel" and secure with electrical tape:
Well, that's all, our toy paper gun is ready! in order to shoot, you need to pull back the driving mechanism so that its end is fixed at the end of the "trigger" then we put a crumpled piece of paper or a ball into the "barrel" of our paper pistol, aim and shoot.
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Running in the yard with a stick is cool, of course, but having a "real" pistol is much cooler.
- First, paper is an environmentally friendly raw material without toxic materials.
- Secondly, do-it-yourself crafts develop fine motor skills in children, teach them to be accurate and accurate. After all, paper toys are quite fragile, but at the same time they provide a lot of opportunities for modeling and design.
Thirdly, they are simple in their purpose. This develops the baby's imagination, encourages free play, pushes to come up with something of their own, and not follow the toy.
- And finally - a homemade pistol is much cheaper than goods from children's stores.
Therefore, today we are learning to make a cool paper pistol (revolver) together. This requires a minimum of materials and effort. Good luck 😉
You will need:
We make tubes of type I
You need to prepare a few tubes.
- We put a piece of paper and put a pencil on top of it.
- You need to wrap the pencil in paper like a roll.
- We take out the pencil. It turned out to be a tube. Let's call it a tube of "first type"(we will use such a distribution in the future).
It is better to glue the tip of the paper to the tube with PVA glue so that it does not open. at home.
We make tubes of type II
- For tubes of the "second type" take the tube of the "first" and put it on a piece of paper, as shown in the photo.
- Similarly, as with the first tube, we turn it into a roll, take out the first tube from there and glue the tip so that it does not disintegrate.
All we need is:
- Tubes of the "second type" 5 items
- Tubes of the "first type" 1 piece
Cut these 6 tubes into smaller pieces.
- From the "first type" tube, cut 1 tube 12 cm long;
- Make tubes from the "second type" tube
- 1 x 15 cm;
- 3 x 4 cm;
- 6 x 5 cm;
- 2 x 2 cm.
Moving on to the frame of the pistol
The tubes were cut, it's time to glue them.
- Take a 15 cm tube and glue a 4 cm tube to it using hot glue (all subsequent actions with the tubes should be performed with hot glue).
- Then - a tube 2 cm.
- A 12 cm tube is used. It must be glued into the tube in the center (the one that is 4 cm) almost completely, but you cannot go beyond it.
Next is the revolver drum
Tubes of 5 cm must be glued with a "chamomile" (to one tube in a circle, glue the other five).
We put the drum on a 12 cm tube and after the drum we glue another 4 cm tube to fix it.
The drum does not need to be glued! From the tubes, between which it is located, there should be an indent of about half a centimeter. Then the drum can be turned.
There are still two tubes left. Glue a 4 cm tube from the bottom of the tube behind the drum, and 2 cm from the top.
Do not forget to indent so that the drum can scroll.
- We take white paper, put the wide side towards us, and bend about half a centimeter from its edge.
- Then we continue to bend it, making it like a tube, only in strips. This folds about ¾ of the paper. We cut off the rest and glue the free edge so that nothing falls apart.
- We need 3 such records.
- Take one such plate and try it on the bottom of the pistol.
- Cut off the excess and glue it with hot glue.
- You need to glue all 3 plates.
- Then we take the same records. Now, from one edge of the front part, you need to retreat about half a centimeter each time. You need to glue 5 such plates.
Take the remaining tubes of the "second type" and cut them one at a time in the following sizes:
- 2 cm;
- 3 cm;
- 4 cm;
- 5 cm;
- 7 cm;
- 8 cm.
We glue in this order: glue a 4 cm tube to a 2 cm tube, then 8 cm, 7 cm, 5 cm and 3 cm, so that we get a structure as in the photo. Now we glue the glued structure to our frame.
Prepare two blue paper plates and glue them to the handle. The revolver is almost ready.
Let's take a green paper and attach a future pistol to it. We draw a contour and cut it out. We need two such pieces. On one of the pieces, make the upper parts a little longer (near the drum, the tubes are 2 cm and 4 cm). This is necessary to glue the tubes on top.
We put the pieces aside for now. Need to improve the grip a little.
- Take a plate of white paper (if left out of blue, it will also work).
- Cut off the corners and glue them directly onto our tubes. This needs to be done on both sides.
Now you can glue the green pieces of paper.
- Take a sheet of paper and roll it into a tube, but another one. We put the sheet diagonally relative to ourselves and start rolling a very thin tube with our fingers. We continue to roll along the entire length of the sheet.
- Glue the tip to the PVA tube again so that it does not disintegrate.
- Cut off about 2 cm from each edge so that the tube is even.
- Cut off 10 cm of this tube. Let's turn it into a plate by simply squeezing it with our fingers.
- We form a semicircle from the plate and glue it to the pistol.
Trying on a tube. It should fit a little into the drum. We cut off all unnecessary. The next thing to do is roll up a very small piece of blue paper. It should be just above the two straws.
We bend the tube a little and fix it at the bend of the handle. For reliability, we glue the same plate perpendicular to the previous one. We glue a small piece into the tube itself for greater structural reliability.
If there is not enough plate height, glue another one on top. We insert a tube with an elastic band and pull the elastic band, overturning it over the barrel.
Ready! Now our revolver really shoots. By the way, bullets can be made from a "first type" tube (some shoot with matches).
It's time to start origami crafts again and now you will learn how to make a paper gun with your own hands. This craft is much lighter than similar ones and takes about five to ten minutes. We need a sheet of paper, no additional tools and materials are required. There are several methods for making a paper gun, one using twisting the barrel, the other using glue or double-sided tape. This method is the simplest and can be called origami style. Of course, a paper pistol does not fire, but if you want to buy something from pneumatics, then go to the website where you will find interesting models and learn a little more about weapons. Also, there are many related products for self-defense.
We take A4 sheet. I love colored ones and I chose green for this homemade product.
We have more than once gone through how to make a square from a rectangular sheet, so I think this will not be difficult for you. Bend the corner along the line and tear off the excess.
It turned out to be a square, the diagonal line turned out as a result of this, you can ignore it.
Fold the square in half.
And we tear it in the middle, so that we get two equal parts.
We fold one part in half horizontally.
Then fold it in half again.
Now we make a vertical fold. We have finished with this detail for now.
Let's start creating the second part. Make a slight horizontal fold on the edge as you like. This is necessary so that this detail is a little narrower than the previous one.
Fold the sheet in half.
And again in half.
Then fold it vertically. We got two identical parts with one exception, one is slightly narrower than the other. This is because of that fold at the very beginning.
Let's lean the corners together, a thin piece on top of a thick one, this is important!
We turn the part that is thicker down under itself.
Here's what we got.
Fold down the long part along the line of the square, which we marked on the edge.
Similarly, the opposite.
If you expand it, you get such a thing.
Now we take the L-shaped part.
We apply the long part in this way.
We insert the edges into the holes of the other part.
And we slowly pull the ends of each of the parts in opposite directions.
That would be such a gun made of paper. It's very nice to do things.
Sometimes each of us wants to return to childhood and play with long-forgotten, but dearly beloved toys. And sometimes it is very interesting to succumb to memories and make something with your child, grandson or nephew. Let's look at options for how to make a paper gun.
There are several ways to create a paper gun with your own hands, let's take a closer look at each of them.
In origami technique
The art of origami was created in ancient China, and it developed rapidly in Japan. This hobby spread to Europe in the 15th century. It gained worldwide distribution in the 2nd half of the 20th century. Today there are many competitions, exhibitions and championships. With the help of books and master classes, everyone, both an adult and a child, can master this art. This hobby does not require special skills, special premises and equipment.
This technique is not the easiest as it seems, but very useful, it develops hand motor skills and attentiveness. Here, above all, strictly and consistently follow the instructions. Let's try to create a pistol using this technique.
We take an album sheet, cut out a square. Then we bend it in half. Carefully iron the fold in the middle, unfold and tear off one half. And now we bend it in half lengthwise, as shown below.
Now we fold the same part in half again, and then across, as shown in the image.
This part is complete, put it aside and take the next sheet.
One of the edges of the sheet turned out to be torn, so we bend it inward and fold the sheet twice in half lengthwise, as in the previous steps. Then fold it in half again, as shown in the picture.
Now it's time to connect the resulting parts, you get a pistol. We attach the figures to each other with single sides.
Fold the top under the bottom to create a fold as shown below.
We align the product and bend one strip strictly along the fold line.
We turn the product and repeat the same actions with the second strip, we should get the letter "G".
We turn the product over, unfold it to the end, and then fold it again, in half.
We take the second part of the pistol. We pass it through the holes, as shown in the picture. We do it with great care so as not to tear the paper.
Our product is ready. You should get a pistol like in the photo below.
Shooting option
When making such a gun out of paper, you need scotch tape, an elastic band, a thick pen, a pencil and several album sheets, such a craft will definitely attract a child.
First, let's make the barrel of the pistol.
Take a wide pen, put it on a piece of paper and wrap it up to make a thin tube. We take out the pen by pushing it out with a pencil. Then we glue the edges with tape so that the tube does not unwind.
Create a piston. It must be made smaller in diameter than the trunk. To do this, take a pencil, put it on a sheet and repeat the previous action. After we remove the pencil from the tube, fix it with tape.
Shorten the piston slightly with scissors. In size, it should be slightly larger than the trunk. And again we glue the edge with tape.
We glue an elastic band to the edge of the piston with tape.
Now let's create a grip for this pistol.
Twist the tube again with the handle and take it out. Then we slightly loosen the tube so that its diameter becomes larger. You need the handle to be quite wide. We fasten the edges with tape and fold it in half.
Then we thread the barrel into the handle so that it does not bend it. Then we attach the parts to each other with tape. The edges of the handle also need to be glued with tape.
For a full-fledged pistol, only the sight is not enough, let's make it.
We make a paper tube with a pencil and fasten it with tape. Cut off 2 small pieces from it, and then cut the remaining tube in half.
We take one of the larger parts and glue two small pieces to it with adhesive tape.
Using scotch tape, glue the gun to the sight.
We pass the piston into the barrel and put an elastic band on the handle, as shown in the picture.
We make cartridges from the tube that remains, for this we finely chop it so that the pieces easily pass into the trunk. Or, you can use crumpled pieces of paper. To increase the power of the shot, you can add more rubber bands, the more there are, the more powerful the pistol. In the meantime, our product is ready.
There is another, easier way to create a shooting pistol. Let's take a look at it.
Take the schematic shown below, print it and cut it out.
Then we assemble the pistol according to the following scheme:
Fold it according to the pattern, then cut it and insert the elastic. Let's take a closer look at how to make a muzzle:
Homemade bullets will fly into the groove of the muzzle. The circle in the picture below depicts a bullet, you can take any round object of suitable size, or just roll it out of paper.
Double-barreled pistol
We only need two album sheets. This version of creating a paper gun is very simple, let's get started.
Fold a sheet of paper in half lengthwise, then in half again.
Then we fold the resulting part in half and iron the fold line. Expand and bend the edges towards the middle, as in the image below. It is necessary that the distance from the fold line in the middle and to the extreme corners be equal.
Then we fold our product along the mid-fold line. This will be our hilt.
We take the second sheet of paper and fold it into a tube, then fold it in half.
We pass the folded tube into the handle.
We got a pistol with two barrels. It is very simple to manufacture, even the smallest children can handle it.
As realistic as possible
You can make a more complex version of a pistol out of paper, which will look like a real weapon.
Let's take a few album sheets (you can take sheets denser), scotch tape, glue and scissors, let's start making.
We take a paper sheet, fold it in half lengthwise and in half again, fix it with tape.
We turn the resulting part into a blank for the frame by making the sides.
For the handle, we make a tube, as in the first step, only we make it thicker and shorter than the first tube. We fix it with tape. Cut off the part that will adjoin the trunk obliquely. We glue both parts with glue.
To repeat the shape of a real pistol and give it reality, we do as in the image below.
We hide all the flaws under the paper square and attach the safety bracket as in the picture.
We make two tubes, cut a rectangular hole in each of them, then hide it under a small rectangle made of paper.
We assemble our pistol, we connect all the parts with tape or glue.
We make the shutter using the technique in step 1, cut a rectangular hole in it.
Attach the shutter using an additional piece as shown below.
Now our product is ready, but if you want, you can still make a clip.
Related videos
You can also make such toys from cardboard, but for a start, it is better for children to fill the pens on the album sheets, because they are easier to bend. Pistols made of paper are not difficult at all, rejoice with your children by creating such a product together. In conclusion, here are a few videos on making a paper gun.
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